
  • Open House - Middle School Boys (2019-2020)

    Open House Middle School Boys (2019-2020) - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Fathers,

    Thamer International Schools cordially invite you to its Middle School (Grades 4–8) “Open House” that will be held on Thursday, Muharram 20, 1441H. which coincides with September 19, 2019 G. from 4:30 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. We would appreciate it if you are punctual and arrive to your child’s classroom 15 minutes before time.

  • Orientation Day for Middle School Boys 4-8 (2018-2019)

    Orientation Day - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Mothers,

    Thamer International Schools cordially invite you to attend the Orientation Day for Middle School Boys (4-8) that will be held on Sunday, Muharram 06, 1440 H. which coincides with September 16, 2018 G. from 01:00 p.m. till 2:30 p.m. at Princess Jawaher Auditorium in the schools’ premises.

  • Orientation Session - Grade 8 (2018-2019)

    Orientation Session - Grade 8 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools will be hosting a Parent Orientation Session for all parents of our potential Grade Nine students on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. in the schools’ auditorium (Princess Jawaher Auditorium). We hope you will be able to join us to discuss the educational opportunities available for your son/daughter during their four-year educational experience at T. I. S.

  • Orientation Session - Grade 8 (2019-2020)

    Orientation Session - Grade 8 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools will be hosting a Parent Orientation Session for all parents of our potential Grade 9 students on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, from 12:00 noon till 2:00 p.m. in the schools’ auditorium (Princess Jawaher Auditorium). We hope you will be able to join us to discuss the educational opportunities available for your son/daughter during their four year educational experience at T. I. S.

  • Parents Teachers Conference - Term 1 (2019-2020)

    Parents Teachers Conference - Term 1 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools graciously invite you to attend the Parents - Teachers Conference as follows:

    You are kindly requested to have (5 minutes only) with every teacher. If you feel that more time is needed to discuss specific issues, please arrange for another appointment with the concerned coordinator or the Head of School.

  • Parents Teachers Conference - Term 2 (2018-2019)

    Parents Teachers Conference - Term 2 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools graciously invites you to attend the Parents - Teachers Conference as follows:

    You are kindly asked to limit your conference with every teacher as much as possible. If you feel that more time is needed to discuss specific issues, please arrange for another conference with the concerned coordinator or the Head of School.

  • Parents Teachers Conference - Term 2 (2019-2020)

    Parents Teachers Conference - Term 2 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools graciously invite you to attend the Parents - Teachers Conference as follows:

    You are kindly requested to have (5 minutes only) with every teacher. If you feel that more time is needed to discuss specific issues, please arrange for another appointment with the concerned coordinator or the Head of School.

  • Parents Teachers Meeting - Term 1 (2017-2018)

    Parents Teachers Meeting - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International School graciously invites you to attend the Parents - Teachers Meeting as follows in the table below. 

    You are kindly asked to limit your meeting with every teacher as much as possible. If you feel that more timeis needed to discuss specific issues, please arrange for another meeting with the concerned coordinator or the Head of School.

  • Parents Teachers Meeting (2016-2017)

    Parents Teachers Meeting - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International School graciously invites you toattend the Parents - Teachers Meeting as shown in the table below.

    You are kindly asked to limit your meeting with every teacher as much as possible.  

    If you feel that more time is needed to discuss specific issues, please arrange for another meeting with the concerned coordinator or the Head of School.

    Note: No children or students are allowed during the Parents - Teachers Meeting.

  • Parents Teachers Meeting (MSB-SSB) (2016-2017)

    Parents Teachers Meeting - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Fathers,

    Thamer International School graciously invites you to attend the Fathers - Teachers Meeting as follows:



    Thursday, March 2, 2017

    Time: 5:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m.

    Middle School (Boys)

    Senior School (Boys)


    Legend: The Beast - Thamer International Schools

    By Mohhammed Banaa (7-B)

    Once upon a time, there was a city called Heifhoem. It was a serene and flourishing city. The only egregious thing about it was The Beast. The Beast was a monstrous hybrid made up of various apex predators. He had the front legs of a cheetah so he could run unmatched, the mouth of the tiger, and the hind legs of the gazelle. He persistently attacked Heifhoem; therefore, the king of this magnificent city, King Roberto, decided to battle the Beast himself.

  • PICK OF THE MONTH, The Broken Land

    PICK OF THE MONTH, The Broken Land - Thamer International Schools

    By Eyad Islam (4-A),

    60 million years ago, there was a dinosaur called Rino. He was clever, and he could fix anything. He could recycle any item and could also talk in different languages.

    Well, for these special qualities, he was called Rexi-fixi. When all the dinosaurs knew that he could fix anything, the problem began. Rino couldn’t control his anger because of the many dinosaurs who came to him. But, on the other hand, he made awesome things. One time, he reshaped a rock to become a bridge across the river. Well, his anger made him stump extremely hard on the ground which almost caused an earthquake. “What have you done!?” a dinosaur reflected. “It’s because of you, idiot!’’ Rino said.


    Travel Catalog - Thamer International Schools

    By Mohammed Fatta (8-E)

    Hello and welcome to Los Angeles-a fun and exciting place packed with surprises! This is where Universal Studios, Hollywood Street, and Six Flags are all located.

    Amazing places to visit:

    Six Flags: an exciting park with huge roller-coasters for people who want to challenge themselves as well as have a petrifying but thrilling experience.

  • School Timing for the First Week (2016-2017)

    School Timing for the First Week - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Kindly be informed that the school timing for the first week, from Sunday, 18 September, 2016 – until Wednesday, 21 September, 2016 will be from 7:40 a.m. till 12:00 noon, and the first session will start at 7:50 a.m. Students who do not attend school on time will be considered absent and this will eventually affect their merit.                                                                                           

  • School Timing for the First Week (2017-2018)

    School Timing for the First Week - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Kindly be informed that the school timing for the first week, from Sunday, September 17, 2017 until Thursday, September 21, 2017 will be from 7:30 a.m. till 2:55 p.m., for the Middle and Senior School and the first session will commence at 7:50 a.m. Whereas the school timing of the Lower Primary School and Upper Primary School will be from 7:30 a.m. till 12:00 noon. Students who do not attend school on time will be considered absent and this will eventually affect their merit.

  • Welcome Back to Middle School (2017-2018)

    Welcome Back to Middle School - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents and Students,

    Welcome back to school! We hope you had a joyful and refreshing summer vacation. We have gotten off to a great start, with students quickly getting back into the school routine. During the 2017-2018 school year, we will continue to build upon and refine our proven foundation of good work, honored traditions, and continued excellence in education. We would even like to welcome Grade 4 students in the Middle School, hoping that this year will be a fun- filled and a fruitful year for them.

    Each day we work very hard to provide a safe, engaging and rewarding educational environment for all students equally.

  • Welcome Back to Middle School (2018-2019)

    Welcome Back to Middle School (2018-2019) - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Welcome to the advent of the 2018-2019 academic school year at T. I. S. Middle Schools! We hope that you have had an enjoyable summer vacation. It is this time of the year that we become energized for the students and staff to return as we continue to prepare for the upcoming year. The T. I. S. Middle Schools’ theme this year will be “H.A.T.S. off to Learning”. This code consists of the following character traits: H-Habits, A-Attitudes, T-Talents and S-Skills. It is our hope that every individual connected to T. I. S. Middle Schools implements these traits throughout the school year and beyond.

  • Welcome Back to Middle School (2019-2020)

    Welcome Back to Middle School (2019-2020) - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents and Students,

    Welcome back to school! We hope you had a joyful and refreshing summer vacation. We have gotten off to a great start with students quickly getting back into the school routine. During the 2019-2020 school year, we will continue to build upon and refine our proven foundation of good work, honored traditions, and continued excellence in education. We would also like to welcome Grade 4 students in the Middle School, hoping that this year will be a fun- filled and a fruitful year for them.

  • أعتز بوطني... وأحترم كلّ الثقافات اليوم العالمي في مدارس ثــامـــر العالمية

    أعتز بوطني... وأحترم كلّ الثقافات اليوم العالمي في مدارس ثــامـــر العالمية - مدارس ثامر العالمية

    بقلم : الطالب خالد بندر الزغبي/ الثامن (د)

    اعتادت مدارس ثـــامــر العالمية أن تحتفل كل سنة باليوم العالمي؛ وهو يوم يتعرّف فيه الطلبة على بعض بلدان العالم وعاداتهم وتقاليدهم، وتراثهم الشعبي. وفعلاً فقد تقرر هذه السنة الاحتفال بهذا اليوم، وتمّ وضع خطة شاملة من قبل الإدارة؛ للعمل على إنجاح هذا الحفل، حيث قام كل معلم بتدريب فصل من فصول المرحلة الابتدائية والمتوسطة على تمثيل بلدٍ يختاره الطلبة.

    بدأنا نتدرب وعشنا جوّاً رائعاً امتاز بالتعاون والسعادة والانضباط، وبعد جهد واجتهاد أصبحنا جاهزين للعروض على مسرح المدرسة أمام والدينا وأساتذتنا وزملائنا الطلبة من المراحل المختلفة.

    قُمنا بعرض فقرات مختلفة عن بلدان عربية وعالمية، ارتدينا زيّها الرسمي وعرّفنا بها ثم قدّمنا عروضاً مسرحية ورقصات شعبية تخصّها.

    كان يوماً مميزاً بالفعل، شعر الحضور بالفرح والسعادة والفخر بما قدمناه من عروض. أشكر مدرستنا، وأشكر كل من ساهم في إنجاح هذا اليوم الجميل. أفتخر بعروبتي وانتمائي.

    المصدر: مجلة شهد الكلمة - العدد الثاني - أبريل 2018-2019

  • أغلى من الياقوت

    أغلى من الياقوت - مدارس ثامر العالمية

    بقلم: محمد طارق رجب / الحادي عشر (ب)

    ليس من دمي ولحمي ولكن قرابتنا أعظم بكثير

    الذي يفتح باب قلبي ويدخل إليه النور

    من أضحكني حينما كانت الهموم تغرقني

    من شاركني ألمي وقاسمني فرحتي

    ليس أخي بالدم ولكنه أخي بالروح

    أرواحنا متصلة ولو زالت أجسادنا

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