
  • Security and Safety Inside Buses (2019-2020)

    Security and Safety Inside Buses - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools has attached an explanatory video about the rules of security and safety inside buses. We hope you will watch it and guide our students for their safety. We appreciate your constant support and cooperation.



  • September Newsletter (2019-2020)

    September Newsletter 2019 - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

    Note: Please click here to download the September Newsletter 2019.

  • T.I.S. Science and Engineering Fair (2016-2017)

    T.I.S. Science and Engineering Fair - Thamer International Schools

    Thamer International School proudly announces the beginning of the T.I.S. Science and Engineering Fair.

    Clearly, any school project assigned to a student should be useful. Surprising to some, a science fair project is one of the best learning experiences a student can undertake.

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