
MUN Registration (2019-2020)

MUN Registration 2020 - Thamer International Schools

Dear Parents,

Thamer International Schools have received an official invitation from Dar Al Hekma for the MUN (Model United Nations) conference 2019 – 2020. The MUN will be held from Monday, the 27th of January till Wednesday, the 29th of January, 2020G. Hence, it gives us great pleasure to inform you that the administration has decided to give our students of Senior School (Girls’ Section) an opportunity to register for the conference.

November Newsletter - English Version (2019-2020)

November Newsletter 2019 - English Version - Thamer International Schools

Dear Parents,

Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

Note: Please click here to download the November Newsletter 2019 (English Version).

November Newsletter - Arabic Version (2019-2020)

November Newsletter 2019 - Arabic Version - Thamer International Schools

Dear Parents,

Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

Note: Please click here to download the November Newsletter 2019 (Arabic Version).

Schools' Pass Sticker (2019-2020)

Schools' Pass Sticker - Thamer International Schools

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that starting from Sunday 27 Rabi awal 1441H corresponding to 24th November, 2019, NO cars will be allowed to enter the schools' premises without the designated schools' pass sticker, which you can obtain from the bookshop.

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