TIS SCOOP, Joys of Jogging

TIS SCOOP - Joys of Jogging - Thamer International Schools

By Anna Adnan (10-H)

Why Start Jogging?

Physical Benefits:

- Anyone can do it to easily lose weight.

- Regular Toggers are far less likely to die prematurely than non-joggers.

- Run easily without sweating.

- It is free and you can do it anywhere

Mental Benefits:

- You learn to enjoy it.

- Feel smug and victorious after completing your run.

- Run continuously without ever getting extremely tired.

- Helps maintain a routine.

- Feel better about yourself.

The process of becoming A JOGGER:

- Painful and hard at first.

- Start slow and do it regularly.

- Slowly becomes easy as you get used to it.

* Never run at a pace that is uncomfortable to start at..

Source Link: December Newsletter (2018-2019)