• A Big Day Out

    A Big Day Out - Thamer International Schools

    By Lower Primary School,

    Watching children walking their mothers around their school playground and enjoying doing many fun activities, brings joy to the L. P. S. staff’s hearts.

    “A Big Day Out” gave children the chance to play and to do lots of art and craft activities. The amazing Magical Show was a mesmerizing way to end this wonderful day!

    Source Link: April Newsletter (2018-2019)

  • A Snowflake Story

    A Snowflake Story - Thamer International Schools

    By Lower Primary School,

    Our wonderful preschool students participated in a school skit, “A Snowflake Story”.They enjoyed the challenge and enthusiasm of putting on the play and worked hard to make itsuccessful.

    It was a memorable event and we were truly proud to watch our little childrenwho are just three years old confidently perform in front of mothers and guests.

    Source Link: April Newsletter (2018-2019)

  • April Riddles

    April Riddles - Thamer International Schools

    By Wajiha Siddiqi (12-E),

    1. I never answer questions, but I am always answered. What am I?/ Doorbell

    2. You can break me easily without touching me or seeing me. What am I? / Promise

    3. What goes up and never comes back down? / Age

    4. The more there is the less you see. What am I? / Darkness

  • Arabic Calligraphy

    Arabic Calligraphy - Thamer International Schools

    By Layan Halabi (12-E)

    I love to draw. I love to create shapes and make them into works of art. I love to solve and construct drawings for hours. I love to look at drawings of other creators and learn new ways to become better. I love color, patterns and a sense of style. Art is what I love. Duo, pair, team, these are words I can easily identify with. As a child, I drew comics with my friends and we created compelling story lines with our imaginations.

  • Articles from the January Edition of the Newsletter (2018-2019)

    January Newsletter 2019 - Thamer International Schools

    T. I. S. persistently encourages its studentsto become avid readers and competent writers. Thamer Chronicles, which is written and designed by our earnest and brilliant editors and prolific writers, is one such platform for our young writers to portray their talents.

    The following articles have been penned by our aspiring authors. You can find the articles listed below. To peruse the newsletter, please click here.

  • Carpe Diem

    Carpe Diem - Thamer International Schools

    By SLC’s Psychology and Mental Health Department

    Seize the day. Live in the moment. Make your life extraordinary.

    Take control of your destiny. Literature, television, and history all bound us to do these things. But the real question is how? The answer is being mindful.

    Being mindful means to take control of what we focus our attention on in the present moment; whether it is an emotion, a thought, a belief, or a sensation. It is about approaching that “object” with a curious and open mind.

  • Davy Crockett Saves the World

    Davy Crocket Saves the World - Thamer International Schools

    By Retaj Aadil (5-H),

    Hello It's Me Retaj. Let's Start about, "DAVY CROCKETT SAVES THE WORLD."

    - First, the folks always crow about the deeds of Davy Crockett.

    - Next, the world was in a heap of trouble.

    -Second, they saw up the sky away past through the clouds and outer space.

  • December Newsletter - Arabic Version (2019-2020)

    December Newsletter 2019 - Arabic Version - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

    Note: Please click here to download the December Newsletter 2019 (Arabic Version).

  • December Newsletter - English Version (2019-2020)

    December Newsletter 2019 - English Version - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

    Note:Please click hereto download the December Newsletter 2019 (English Version).

  • December RIDDLES

    December Riddles 2019 - Thamer International Schools

    By Hashim Hashim (10-D)

    Q: What has a foot but no legs?A: A snail

    Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it, you die. What is it?A: Nothing

    Q: What comes down but never goes up?A: Rain

    Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?A: A candle

    Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? A: If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. It’s Mary! Q: How can a pant’s pocket be empty and still have something in it?A: It can have a hole in it.

  • Family Beach Trip

    Family Beach Trip - Thamer International Schools

    By Dima Farhan (5-I),

    On a beautiful sunny morning in Malaysia, my family and I decided to enjoy the day at the beach. I could already imagine the bright sky, golden sun and cool breeze flying past us. There is nothing more fun than going on a family trip!

    In the beginning, we drove to the beach as I tossed and turned excitedly and impatiently to arrive. I looked out from the window at the beautiful country and all its colour. It was taking years to reach, and I could not wait anymore! As we arrived, I rushed out of the car and jumped all around.

  • February Newsletter - English Version (2019-2020)

    February Newsletter 2019 - English Version - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

    Note:Please click hereto download the February Newsletter 2020 (English Version).

  • February Newsletter - Arabic Version (2019-2020)

    February Newsletter 2019 - Arabic Version - Thamer International Schools

    Dear Parents,

    Thamer International Schools are pleased to share with you the monthly newsletter that updates students and parents on important information, portrays students' articles and opinions, celebrates achievements across the schools and reaches out to a wider community.

    Note: Please click here to download the February Newsletter 2020 (Arabic Version).

  • Guide to Studying

    Guide to Studying - Thamer International Schools

    By Sama Ahmed (7-G),

    General basics:

    • Studying early

    Studying early would be a good idea as you wouldn’t be putting the burden and pressure on yourself. This way, you would only have to study bit by bit each day which would avoid the stress of last-minute cramming!

  • Hour of Code

    Hour of Code - Thamer International Schools

    By Middle School Girls,

    “Hour of Code” is a global eventthat is taking place in the world of Programming. T. I. S. UPS students had the chance to be part of this event and did some coding tasks that help raise their awareness and engage them more with coding and programming in the ICT sessions during the last two weeks of December.

    Students who finished the 12 levels of the assigned task "Minecraft, Hero's Journey" were given certificates.

    Source Link: April Newsletter (2018-2019)

  • January Riddles

    January Riddles 2019 - Thamer International Schools

    By Angelo Jerome Reynante (10-D)

    1. If two is a company and three is a crowd. What is four and five? - Nine.

    2. What goes through towns and over hills but never moves? - Roads.

    3. What is a snowman’s favorite cereal? - Frosted Flakes.

    4. I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I? - A joke.

    5. What has hands but can’t pick up anything? - A clock.

    6. Which word contains all 26 letters but only three syllables? - Alphabet.

  • Jokes

    Jokes - Thamer International Schools

    By Angelo Jerome Reynante (10-D),

    1. What do you call a fish with no eyes? - A fsh.

    2. Do you know what’s not right?- Left.

    3. What does a pirate say while eating sushi? - Ahoy! Pass me some soy!

    4. You want to hear a joke about pizza?- Never mind, it was too cheesy.

  • Let’s Celebrate Winter

    Let’s Celebrate Winter - Thamer International Schools

    By Lower Primary School,

    Children came to school dressed in winter clothes and enjoyed doing some winter-related activities to learn about the characteristics of this season.

    Source Link: April Newsletter (2018-2019)


    Matilda - Thamer International Schools

    By Hala Al Sulaiman (6-I)

    Matilda Wormwood is a young girl who is extraordinarily brilliant. At a young age, she started solving complex math problems mentally and read books meant for adults. Unfortunately though, Matilda grew up with parents who did not give her the attention and love she deserves. Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood and their son, Michael, are quite different from Matilda - preferring to watch television rather than read books. They do not understand her and so often treat her badly.

    Rather than feel hopeless, Matilda plays tricks on her family to get back at them for the way they treat her: replacing her father’s hair tonic with platinum hair dye and using a parrot to convince them that their house is haunted. These tricks give Matilda some relief and distract her parents from mistreating her.

  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Mental Health - Thamer International Schools

    Prepared by the girls of the Psychology and Mental Heath Department, posters with powerful messages were put up in the senior section’s corridors to spread the importance of mental health—something often overlooked by many people. Here are some of the posters which were put up:

    Source Link: November Newsletter (2018-2019)

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